CEO's message

Dear customers,

Since the establishment of our company in 1999,
we have been deeply grateful for your unwavering support
and encouragement, which has been instrumental
in our company's growth and progress.

As a leading figure in the domestic security industry, Estec Systems is dedicated to pioneering a new culture of security services. We take pride in assuming the comprehensive safety responsibilities of outstanding domestic enterprises, leveraging our extensive experience and specialized expertise to achieve a higher level of customer satisfaction.

Stec Systems is committed to providing a wide range of safety services, including systems integration, disaster prevention, facility management, document security, document/HDD shredding, personnel dispatch, and security consulting. We are continuously growing and developing as a total manpower company in the safety field, and we are dedicated to delivering precise and reliable safety services to earn your trust as a company.

Stec System is committed to unlimited customer satisfaction through the best services.
Thank you

Stec System Company
CEO: Lee Byeong Hwa